lev.lafayette's blog

2012 : From Ancient Brilliance to Modern Nonsense

Address to the Melbourne Unitarian Church, Sunday December 6, 2009

The Virtual World

Presentation to the Melbourne Philosophy Forum, December 6, 2009

1.0 Virtual Reality: Some Foundations

1.1 The 'Virtual World' refers here to the physical, social and mental experience of technologically-mediated information, communication and networking. This includes technological facts, fictional expectations and organisational management.

Question: What does the virtual world consist of for you? Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying? The Internet in general? Radio? Telephone? Books? Is imagination itself a type of virtual reality?

Genes, Media, and the Mind

Presentation to the Melbourne Unitarian Philosophy Forum, November 1st, 2009

1.0 How do our genes affect our mind?

Death and Existence

Presentation to the Melbourne Philosophy Forum, October 4th, 2009

1.0 Definition and Description of Death

The Other Half: The Universalist Tradition

An address to the Melbourne Unitarian Church, September 20, 2009

The Universalists and the Melbourne Unitarian Church.

Social Justice from a Catholic Perspective

Service (opening words, reading, closing words) by Lev Lafayette. Address by Denis Fitzgerald, Executive Director, Catholic Social Services Victoria, September 6, 2009

Opening Words

From William Blackstone, jurist and legal theorist, who wrote the common law treatise "Commentaries on the Laws of England" published between 1765–1769, and which is still used today.

Religion & Culture of the Malay Archipelago

Addres to the Melbourne Unitarian Church, August 23rd, 2009

What is a Malay?

The Historical Contribution of Unitarians and Universalists

From a presentation to Jemaat Allah Global Indonesia, the Unitarian Christian Church of Indonesia, Semarang, 10th August, 2009

Early Christianity

The Greatest Dissenters

Service (opening words, reading, closing words). Address was given by Peter Abrehart, chairperson of the Church. July 19, 2009, Melbourne Unitarian Church

Opening Words - William O. Douglas

Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.

Reading - Marx 1843 work Contribution to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right

Summary of Philosophy of Economics - and Solutions

Presentation to The Melbourne Philosophy Forum, June 28, 2009 (I think)

Summary of Philosophy of Economics

A philosophy of economics approaches the subject at a meta-level, integrating the discipline with being in general (ontology), the way that we know things (epistemology), and rational procedures (logic).

Normative Economics

Political Economy; who owns what and why? what do they get from this ownership?


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