lev.lafayette's blog

Devils, Pagan Gods and Polyhedrons


This presentation is an elaboration of a talk given in August last year at the Melbourne Unitarian Church on “Role Playing and Religion”. That particular presentation concentrated on the reaction of fundamentalist Christian organisations and individuals to such games. It also provided a convenient opportunity to explain to the congregation what some of their members and others were doing every Sunday after the service.

Rationalist and Liberal Prospects in Islam

Purpose of the Presentation

The Story of Francis David and King John Sigismund: The Establishment of the Transylvanian Unitarian Church


Many Unitarian references note in passing the works of Francis David, the founder of the Hungarian Unitarians and the proclamation of Edict of Torda by King John Sigismund Zapolya II, the first time religious freedom was established in modern Europe. These events of the second half of the sixteenth century are however a fascinating story, deserving of more attention, and provide some valuable insights for the treatment and expression of religious views today.

Logic in Philosophy

Presentation to The Philosophy Forum, April 18, 2007

1.1 Logic comes from the classic Greek logos (meaning 'word', 'reason' or 'principle'). It is concerned with the validity of inference and demonstration. It is a key component of philosophy along with epistemology and ontology. Logic establishes the correctness of argumentation and judgement[1], almost invariably with deductive reasoning from given axioms. Its greatest strength is the ability to uncover fallacies and its greatest challenge is paradoxes.

Role Playing and Religion

Role Playing at the Melbourne Unitarian Church

In recent months a group of individuals have been meeting at the Melbourne Unitarian Church on Sunday afternoons. To the casual observer their actions may initially seem a little strange. Apparently the participants are engaged in some sort of game that involves strange-looking dice. Spend a little more time and they seem to be engaged in an improvised radio drama, describing the actions of characters that they adopt to a setting and circumstances. These actions do not seem occur automatically however, as they often refer to thick and numerous rule books which provide a simulation model for the proposed activities.

Human Rights Consultation Commission

July 31st, 2005

To; Professor George Williams
Rhonda Galbally
Andrew Gaze
Haddon Storey QC

Dear Committee Members,

Please find (follows) the submission of the Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church to the Human Rights Consultation Committee.

The Church would like to express in the first instance, its deep disappointment that such an important issue has not received the time for the widespread community discussion that such an important issue entails.

The Unitarian Jihad: An Internet Phenomenon

The title "Unitarian Jihad" sounds like a contradiction in terms. After all, for most people who come from a Judeo-Christian or a secular-democratic background, the word "jihad" conjures forth images of mad Arabs, full of religious fervour, waving scimitars, throwing bombs or otherwise engaging in some other form of violent fanaticism.

Providence and Common Wealth

Address to the Melbourne Unitarian Church, January 23, 2005

Metaphysics and Political Economy

Service to an address by Sister Brigid Arthur, Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project, November 21, 2004

Opening Words

(derived from Mat 25:41-45) '...for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.' Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?' Then he will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.'



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